Full circle to the truth was a phrase uttered in one of the early X-FILES television episodes in finding truth through faith. This phrase has led me on a journey as I discover my own faith and how certain attractions within the Catholic Church have led me back along the circle. The circle of my faith started with the "That Man is You" a Catholic Men's program which led me to the wonderful teachings of Pope John Paul 2's Theology of the Body. This in turn drove my curiosity and fascination with several saints, especially St Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross. Now after a spell of silence for a variety of reasons I have to go back at least and address the blogs from late this summer of "Whose thoughts are they"?
Could it be a coincidence that almost at that same time, uninvited thoughts were entering the mind of a loved one close to me?
5 months later my outlook on what we may call "intrusive thoughts", mental health and suicide have completely turned around my opinions and views on these topics. I have been humbled to my knees by taking such a narrow, tunnel visioned view on mental health.
5 months ago I would have convicted and found guilty James Holmes for the murders in the Aurora movie theater. He claimed insanity, but he knew and planned the whole thing out in advance. How could he be insane with such a detailed plan?
5 months ago in an earlier blog, I talked about smelling cigarette smoke when there was in fact no smoke around. These are called olfactory hallucinations (phantosmia). Compulsive hair pulling is something I have also done since a child. Who knew this had a name as well; Trichotillomania.
2 months ago, three suicides from members of the local high school rocked our community.
I had referenced Robin Williams suicide and wondered how could he have done such a thing to himself and the family that loved him? Certainly an eye opening past 5 months in trying to come up to speed with knowledge and insight into mental health disorders. I have been reading everything I can find on the topic and have come across some fascinating pieces which I will address in blogs to come.
The main reason for this initial blog was centered around the themes of Theology of the Body. In the central context the main themes stemmed around our sexuality, as God created us male and female. To take the whole body in context, body and spirit together and not as separate entities. From the Catechism of the Catholic Church;
" The unity of soul and body is so profound that one has to consider the soul to the form of the body:...spirit and matter, in man, are not two natures united, but rather their union forms a single nature." (CCC, 365)
In a recent blog last summer by Richard Beck quotes
"mental illness requires incarnational theology and reflection. "Theological reflection must attend to embodiment, and this includes mental illness." Despression is about our bodies. But the Gnostic impulses within Christianity often obscure that fact. The brain is an organ of the body as much as our stomachs and livers."
During 2015 I plan to steer this blog and concentrate on mental health and how it relates to Theology of the Body. Within our culture there is still much scorn and silence on this topic and I feel compelled to further the truth on mental health.